New subscription prices for Library membership from 1 April
As we mentioned in our recent posts, in 2020 the Library Committee is working to put the Library on a more sustainable financial footing.
One area we have reviewed is subscription prices for borrowing. These have not been changed for over a decade. Our costs have risen significantly in this time. Though they only cover a small fraction of our total costs, subscriptions are still an important revenue source.
The Committee has therefore decided that the price of a standard non-concession subscription will rise from $50 to $80.
The price for a concession subscription (for full-time students, pensioners and health-care card holders) will rise from $35 to $40.
The traditional $10 discount for non-concession members who renew for two years will be abolished.
Renew you subscription early to save!
These prices will take effect on 1 April 2020. Until then, you can renew for as many years as you like at the old prices, including the $10 discount for two year renewals.
Your renewal will take effect from your next expiry date, so you won't lose out at all if you renew early.
You can join or renew your membership using your credit or debit card. Decide how many years you want to renew, calculate the total price, and go to our secure website page where you can arrange payment.
If you don't have a credit or debit card, there are other options on the payment page that you can use.